I just snuck a pill from my moms prozac
Substances: Prozac
By: Justin
It was so weird i just snuck a pill from my moms prozac container she
suffers from a depression. It took several minutes before working then
suddenly i felt like i was melt then i was looking up and thne suddenly
i felt happier than ever. I went sk8boarding to the sk8park. THis seagull
was saying, Rain drops keep fulling on your head that dont mean that your
high as ted. Ofcourse there was no ted. But i felt happier than ever i
suggest u give this a try this shit was so awesome. It was the happiest
ive ever been couldnt keep a smile of my face nothing mattered i forgot
all and i felt like i was fucking a chick the whole time or i was having
one long erection or anything soothing. It was GREAT