I became fascinated with the word "Sombrero"
Substances: Cannabis
By: Emu
E-mail: crydiepoosta@hotmail.com
I've smoked the ganja a few times prior to this session, but i didnt
inhale right, and it was schwagg. Well this time I got some really good
stuff. Me and my friend rolled up a little over a dub in a blunt and smoked
it by this secluded creek. Time to blaze.. I take a few puffs and pass
it. After about 5 minutes of doing this.. i felt the similar effects a
cigar gives you. Then all the sudden, the weed kicked in. Woa! I cant
find my feet! I cant cross the creek now because I cant see my god damn
feet! All i could think about was "Peanut brittle, rainbow colored
shit on the sidewalk, and the unicorns are in a box." I also started
talking, without realizing what i was saying. I eventualy crossed, and
proceeded to stagger about, meandering through the town.. I went to go
push the cross walk button and for some reason I became fascinated with
the word "Sombrero." I also told my friend that i could understand
portugese. My hands could form an invisible ball that i could toss and
catch. Time perception was totally lost, and walking was enjoyable. We
must have walked for a good hour before we found our way to burger king
(one or two blocks away). I was unable to order myself, so i sent my friend
up while i sat at my seat and played with ketchup packets. After downing
3 woppers and part of my friends, we went back to his house.. Scary stuff
having to see your friends parents while your high. After an hour, which
flew by in seconds according to stoner time, i had to go home. I didnt
want to risk crashing my car into some old lady in a wheelchair on the
way home, so i had mom come pick me up with the excuse of "burger
king sucks, my stomach is killing me". Sure enough it worked. So
i got home, put on some good music, and fell asleep. Next morning, i wake
up.. still high. First class of the day, accounting. The class is quiet.
And what do i yell for some stupid reason? SOMBRERO! and the class fills
with laughter. |