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Magic Risotto By :Digital Fish Ingredients: Description: Finely dice and boil the culinary and psilocybin mushrooms on low heat, using just enough water to cover them. Add to the rice cheese (one kind at a time). Sautee the garlic, onion & spices for 5 minutes on low heat, then add to the rice. Add the mushrooms (with bluish water! very important) and potato paste at the same time, stirring evenly. Mix thoroughly and serve. The risotto will be VERY blue and should also be very tasty, covering up the taste of the psilocybin shrooms. A small amount does the trick, since this recipe makes a little over a pound to 1.5 lbs of risotto, and is enough for eight to ten people (assuming an average dose of an eigth oz of shrooms.) You can screw with the numbers to make it less potent, etc. NOTE: A great topping is kind pesto! |
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